- MyWorld 2015 Survey (CLOSED)
- FIA-IFRC for First Aid (CLOSED)
- UN Global Road SafetyWeek (CLOSED)
- Save Kids Lives (CLOSED)
- A Safe Road to School (CLOSED)
- Save Lives, Slow Down (CLOSED)
- Save Lives, Speak Up (CLOSED)
- This is My Street (CLOSED)
- Streets for life, #LOVE30
Yearly advocacy campaign: media events or initiatives in support of global actions. The FIA allocates up to 200 000 € yearly for projects. Clubs will be able to apply for a maximum ceiling of 5 000 € per campaign.
In Moscow in 2009 the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety called upon the adoption of a Decade of Action, officially proclaimed on March 2010.
In 2015 the Decade will reach the half-way point of its important path. In light of this anniversary the UN is consulting on priorities for the post-2015 global policy framework, through a survey and the FIA wanted to ensure that Road Safety is included also in the international agenda.
"MY World 2015" is a global survey asking citizens to choose their priorities for a better world. Results will be shared wit h world leaders and will be important for setting the next global development agenda and its lead by the UN.
To achieve this important goal together, the FIA earmarked 100 000 euro for the creation of Club-lead events and campaigns i n support of the MyWorld2015 initiative, supporting the signing of the UN My World 2015 survey by asking club members and citizens to vote for "better roads & transport" though this link: http://walksafe.myworld2015.org with the overall aim of 100.000 signatures globally. All awarded initiatives are initiated in May 2014.
Please click here to see the list of successful initiatives.
"Giving everyone the chance to be a life-saver"
On May 8, 2014 The FIA and The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, joining in an effort to reduce road injuries and fatalities.
In supporting this initiative, and in light of the 2014 World First-Aid day (13 September 2014), the FIA committed 100 000 euros for the implementation of S-projects dedicated to improving first aid awareness.
Consequently, the second call for S-projects is now open for all Clubs willing to promote initiatives on first aid training for road safety and post-crash recovery in cooperation with Red Cross National Societies.
The grant will fund (up to 5.000 euro) initiatives aimed at:
- Raising awareness of the importance of first aid knowledge so that victims of road accidents receive immediate care;
- Organizing first aid ‘snack’ training courses in public areas to increase the knowledge of all drivers;
- Creating first aid materials and documentation to be used in FIA Club’ driving schools.
We encourage Clubs and Red Cross National Societies to use the opportunity to promote the MyWorld2015 survey, asking participants at the events to vote at www.walksafe.myworld2015.org.
Deadline for submissions: 27 August 13:00 CET
Criteria :
- 1. Applicant must produce a proven record of contact and collaboration with the local Red Cross (e.g. letter of support)
- 2. Initiative to be organised in the timeframe September-November 2014

The UN Global Road Safety Week ran from 6-12 May 2013 and was dedicated to pedestrian safety.
It focused on the need to better protect pedestrians worldwide, generate action on the measures needed to do so, and contribute to achieving the goals of the Decade of Action for Road Safety.
It was also a call for action. More than 5000 pedestrians are killed on the world's roads every week. The short-term goal is to prevent even a single pedestrian fatality during the Week.
The FIA provided Clubs the chance to tap into special funding allocated for this year's United Nations Global Road Safety Week. There is up to €100 000 available, with a maximum of €5 000 per Club.
Applications have been accepted until March 20th 2013. Please click here to see the list of successful initiatives run in collaboration with the WHO.

The FIA Road Safety Grants Programme has opened applications for the first S-Track projects for 2015. Deadline for submissions is 6 March at 13.00 CET.
100 000 euro has been set aside for activities supporting the Third UN Global Road Safety Week from May 4 to 10, 2015. A maximum of 5 000 euro is available for individual Club initiatives.
The successful S - projects will give Club support to #SaveKidsLives, a joint campaign between UNICEF and the FIA Foundation.
This campaign aims at strengthening the protection of children on the world’s roads, upholding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and asking citizens to support the Child Declaration for Road Safety .
Projects should focus on key initiatives such as:
- Educational projects for safer walking and cycling to school
- Safety promoting kids and adults sharing the road
- Events and campaigns supporting correct use of seatbelts and child restraints
All activities should be organised and held in the timeframe, March-May 2015.
For further information on the Child Declaration and the FIA Foundation campaign please visit http://www.savekidslives2015.org/#sign-it
2016 S-track call for applications « Safer road to school »
The FIA Road Safety Grants Programme opens applications for S projects for 2016.
The 2015 #SaveKidsLives campaign reached with success the target of over 1 million signatures in support of the Child Declaration. In order to build on the success of the 2015 results and build momentum over this critical topic, the FIA earmarks 100 000 euro, for a maximum of 5 000 euro for Club for activities supporting child safety over 2016.
The successful S - projects will give Club support to #SaveKidsLives, joining forces with UNICEF and the FIA Foundation.
This call for applications aims at strengthening the protection of children on the world’s roads, upholding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and asking citizens to support the Child Declaration for Road Safety.
Projects should focus on key initiatives in support of child safety over the axes of advocacy and awareness such as:
- Advocacy for speeding control legislation around school areas;
- Child helmets enforcement;
- Correct seatbelts usage;
- Child restraints usage;
- Safer school transports;
- Safer walk to school.
Initiatives should focus on bringing the message of child safety forward, influence local and national policy makers over the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals and raise awareness on child road safety.
All activities should be organized and held in the timeframe, May-July 2016 and supported by strong and high quality photographic footage.
For further information please contact Juliette Lunel [email protected], FIA Grants Coordinator.
Deadline for submissions is 31 March at 12.00 CET.
To learn more about our new application portal, please see below
1. Register here to acces the application form

2. You will receive your login details from the FIA secretariat

3. Application form

4. Application form requirements

As announced by the UN Road Safety Collaboration, the 4th Global Road safety Week will focus on managing speed.
Speed contributes to around one third of all fatal road traffic crashes in high-income countries, and up to half of all those in low- and middle-income countries.
To build momentum and reach the Sustainable Development Goal of halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020, the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme has committed €200,000 in support of this 4th Global UN Road Safety Week, which will take place from 8-14 May 2017.
During this week, FIA Clubs will be encouraged to advocate for appropriate and safe speed management and to raise drivers’ awareness of the risks associated with speeding.
The call for applications was open from 15 February to 15 March 2017 for FIA Clubs wishing to take part in this global action to reduce the number of speed-related accidents.
Each full Member Club was permitted to submit one application for initiatives to take place between 8 and 14 May. Clubs that were not already issued login details for the last M-Project call for applications first need to register by completing an online registration form.
Successful initiatives are expected to be based on the advocacy materials which will be made available on the WHO Website for organisations interested in supporting the 4th Global UN Road Safety Week.
- Social media platforms: https://www.facebook.com/UNGRSW/ ; https://twitter.com/UNGRSW
- A website to be launched by end of February: http://www.unroadsafetyweek.org/
- A “slow down” toolkit
Extensive use of communication channels is strongly recommended to ensure the success of Club initiatives.
The FIA encourages all organisations hosting speed-related events to register their initiative on the Road Safety Week’s campaign website to inform and inspire others.
Every day, 3500 people are killed on the roads, among which young people are particularly affected as road traffic crashes are the main cause of death of 15 to 29 years old. To tackle this global challenge, the FIA launched the #3500LIVES campaign to ensure road safety messages get publicity around the world.
This year, in support of the #3500LIVES campaign and its golden rules, the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme decided to commit €200,000 to
strengthen the impact of this campaign.
Initiatives had to focus on the promotion of the #3500LIVES campaign.
Successful proposals were expected to be based on the existing campaign materials and make use of the hashtag #3500LIVES. Campaign materials was
available via the FIA Networks.
All activities had to be organized and held in the timeframe, May-June 2018 and supported by strong and high quality photographic footage.
Applications were open from 8:00 am Wednesday 28 February (Central European Time), to noon Tuesday 27 March (Central European Time).
Clubs that were not already issued login details for the last Transformation project call for applications, first needed to register by completing an online registration form.
For further information on the #3500LIVES campaign, please visit: https://www.fia.com/3500lives.

UN Global Road Safety Week 2019
The fifth UN Global Road Safety Week will take place from 6-12 May 2019 and the UN Road Safety Collaboration announced the theme for this year
will be “Leadership for road safety”.
In order to assist FIA Members to actively support the UN Global Road Safety Week, an amount of 200,000 euros has been allocated under the
Global Action stream of the Road Safety Grants Programme.
Members will be eligible to apply for funding of up to 5,000 euros for the actions, or initiatives which directly support the UN Global Road
Safety Week.
During this week, FIA Members will be encouraged to advocate for stronger leadership by identifying the main risk vulnerable road users face in
their country or city, listing the changes that would avoid and remove this risk and organizing activities to reach out to their leaders in
their country or community who are able to make a difference.
Successful initiatives must:
- Follow the three advocacy steps and use the existing material that will be made available on the 5th Global UN Road Safety Week website :
- Make use of the hashtags #SpeakUp and #Thisismystreet
- Register their initiatives on the 5th UN Global Road Safety Week website to inform and inspire others and make this effort global.
Extensive use of communication channels is strongly recommended to ensure the success of Members’ initiatives.
The call for applications will be open from 8:00 am Tuesday 19 February (Central European Time), to noon Tuesday 19 March (Central European
Members who already registered for the previous round of applications under the Transformation stream will not need to register again and can
use their existing account details. Those who did not registered in the last Transformation call for applications will have to register by
completing an online registration form on the portal.
This is My Street
FIA Road Safety Grant Programme - 2020 Global Action: theme revealed
This year, the FIA will invite its Member Clubs to promote initiatives aimed at supporting the “This is My
” campaign. This is My Street
is an advocacy campaign for safe and healthy journeys launched and coordinated by the FIA Foundation. It aims to build and amplify support to advance its core mission with
target audiences, using clear and empowering messaging and activities.
This is My Street is calling on global leaders to put the health, rights, and futures of young people at the top of the
agenda, prioritizing
policies for safer streets.
This is My Street will offer an opportunity for Clubs to encourage governments to take up actions discussed and agreed
during the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Sweden in February 2020. Following this conference, there will be a Resolution at the United Nations which will
call for accelerated and sustained action to reduce road traffic injuries through to 2030. Our joint effort will generate a “Global Action” to support this agenda.
In order to assist its Member Clubs, the FIA will allocate up to €200,000 for the 2020 Global Action stream of the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme. Based on a first-come,
first-served principle, Members will be eligible to apply for funding up to €5,000.
The call for applications will be open from 3rd of February to 3rd of March, 2020. All activities should be organized and held in May 2020.
Clubs who already registered for the last Transformation call for applications will not need to register again and can use their existing account details. Those who did not
register in the last Transformation call for applications will have to register by completing the online registration form on the
Further information regarding the application process and detailed criteria are available on the link below:
Streets for life, #LOVE30
FIA Members are invited to submit an application through the online Grants Platform.
Clubs will first need to register by completing the online registration form. Once the registration has been approved the registrant will be issued with a username and password to access our online application portal; here you will be able to open, edit, save and submit your application form.
€200,000 is allocated in support of Global Action initiatives. Each full Member Club is permitted to submit one application for up to €5,000 per initiatives.
Please note that only one application may be submitted per FIA Member under the Global Action stream. National federations may coordinate with regional, provincial, or state-based affiliate clubs and submit one application for funding.
Awarded project monitoring will be done at the end of the project. The grantee will be asked to submit a Final report upon completion of the project.