I.Eligible projects
The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme will support and fund road safety projects in line with a strict set of criteria. The programme will be structured around three main components:
- Advocacy campaigns (e.g. proposals on policy reforms or policy implementations; enforcement of legislation on road safety measures - the use of seatbelts, child restraints, helmets etc.);
- Capacity building initiatives (e.g. institutional support; training activities; facilitation of a public-private dialogue etc.);
- Educational and research activities (e.g. awareness raising activities on a specific risk factor; promotion of road safety in academic curriculum; various analytical studies etc.).
In evaluating a project proposal, the panel of road safety experts will give the most attention and focus to projects which meet the following criteria:
- Relevance to the goals of Decade of Action for Road Safety (Road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, post-crash care)
- Conformity to national/regional/international road safety plan policies or strategies (e.g. national resolutions on traffic safety, “Vision Zero” strategy etc.)
- Identification of measurable objectives and deliverables
- Involvement in past, ongoing or planned programs related to proposed project objectives
- Cooperation with other Clubs and/or FIA Regions
- Partnerships with organisations and entities recognised as important stakeholders in the road safety community
- Guarantee of co-funding availability (minimum 40% of total project budget)
- Strong project management plan
- Public-private partnerships
i. Action Plan
A clear and detailed timeline of the projects objectives and phases of implementation. It indicates through which milestones and phases the overall goal will be achieved and by whom, including a completion date and regular milestones.
What road safety goal and objective does your project aim to meet? What target audience you intend to reach with your project? What milestones will you will deliver to meet your goal? Which metrics performance indicators will demonstrate how you will measure the success of your project? How are these activities affecting your budget?
ii. Financial Plan
The project’s budget indicating resources allocation and expected expenses in each phase of the project. It indicates costs per unit and the overall cost of each activity.
What is the overall projected budget? What other funding sources will be used? How is the budget allocated over the different phases of the project? Which expenses will the FIA grant cover?
iii. Communication strategy
A plan identifying the project’s target audience and, means to reach it and to measure the expected impact. The plan has to indicate what kind of press coverage the project expects and the potential partners. All supporting graphic material has to be indicated, bearing in mind the necessity for high resolution picture coverage.
Communication objectives need to be clearly defined, detailed, achievable and measurable.
Target groups need to be listed, together with the proposed tools, tactics and media used to reach them.
II.Eligible organisations
- All FIA Members in good standing and Associate Members
- A partnership or consortium of FIA Members in good standing
Please note that only FIA Members with no outstanding debts owed to the FIA will be eligible to receive the Grant payment. In the event an application is successful, the Grant payment may be suspended at any time if the financial situation of the Member has a debit balance on the FIA account.
All applicants can submit requests for funding from €30,000 to €100,000. The FIA Grant is not intended to cover the entire cost of a project; rather, it is meant to provide co-funding up to 60% of an approved project’s entire cost. The disbursement of funds is in two equal payments: an initial disbursement of 50% of the approved grant amount to support the start-up and early development costs and, pending a final status report of the project's achievements, a second disbursement of the remaining funds upon project completion.
Eligible costs
All eligible expenses must be based upon real costs. Applications without a realistic and cost-effective budget will not receive consideration.
To be eligible, expenses must:
- Be required for the project's success: All expenses must be directly linked to the budget and financial planning components of the project management plan. Expenses which reflect the use of external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be precisely defined.
- Be directly invoiced by the Grant applicant: Eligible expenses which involve external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be invoiced by the Grant recipient. External vendors will not be paid directly by the FIA Grant.
- Comply with the principles of sound financial management
- Comply with basic ethical principles, including complying with the UK Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and the UK Bribery Act. Please note: Expenses which reflect self-dealing (those that are invoiced by Club executives or staff which represent a personal gain or gain to separate business in which they have a personal interest), bribery, gifts, expense padding, etc. will not be eligible. In fact, evidence of this type of ethical violation will result in the immediate revocation of the grant with repayment by the Grant recipient of all funds already disbursed.
- Be recorded: A clear, auditable record of expenses must be retained by the Grant recipient.
Ineligible expenses include:
- Lump sum, non-itemised, single payments debt, provision for losses, interest owed, items already financed in another project or programme, currency exchange losses, contingency reserves, expenses incurred prior to approval of the Grant, including preparation costs.
- Expenses that do not reflect the original purpose of the grant. A Grant recipient may not change the use of Grant funds, and must demonstrate that Grant funds are being spent in accordance with the project management plan.
I.Eligible initiatives
Yearly advocacy campaign: media events or initiatives in support of global actions.
II.Eligible organisations
- All FIA Members in good standing and Associate Members
- A partnership or consortium of FIA Members in good standing
Please note that only FIA Members with no outstanding debts owed to the FIA will be eligible to receive the Grant payment. In the event an application is successful, the Grant payment may be suspended at any time if the financial situation of the Member has a debit balance on the FIA account.
All applicants can submit requests for funding up to €5,000.
The disbursement of funds will occur upon completion of the project and reception of the final report.
Eligible costs
All eligible expenses must be based upon real costs. Applications without a realistic and cost-effective budget will not receive consideration.
To be eligible, expenses must:
- Be required for the project's success: All expenses must be directly linked to the budget and financial planning components of the project management plan. Expenses which reflect the use of external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be precisely defined.
- Be directly invoiced by the Grant applicant: Eligible expenses which involve external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be invoiced by the Grant recipient. External vendors will not be paid directly by the FIA Grant.
- Comply with the principles of sound financial management
- Comply with basic ethical principles, including complying with the UK Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and the UK Bribery Act. Please note: Expenses which reflect self-dealing (those that are invoiced by Club executives or staff which represent a personal gain or gain to separate business in which they have a personal interest), bribery, gifts, expense padding, etc. will not be eligible. In fact, evidence of this type of ethical violation will result in the immediate revocation of the grant with repayment by the Grant recipient of all funds already disbursed.
- Be recorded: A clear, auditable record of expenses must be retained by the Grant recipient.
Ineligible expenses include:
- Lump sum, non-itemised, single payments debt, provision for losses, interest owed, items already financed in another project or programme, currency exchange losses, contingency reserves, expenses incurred prior to approval of the Grant, including preparation costs.
- Expenses that do not reflect the original purpose of the grant. A Grant recipient may not change the use of Grant funds, and must demonstrate that Grant funds are being spent in accordance with the project management plan.