United Kingdom
UNITED KINGDOM - A Novel Crowdsourced Data tool for Road Traffic injury Surveillance To Improve Emergency Medical Systems
RAC will collect and aggregate novel digital data sources relating to RTAs eg online media, news, mobile navigation, vehicle telematics. The mean goal is to assess the ability of these sources to identify geolocation, timing and severity of RTAs.
UNITED KINGDOM - Driver Distraction
The AA Charitable Trust Driver Distraction campaign follows the highly successful Think Bikes campaign, which was launched in 2014. The campaign will be launched in early 2017 with a new campaign video and a high-profile PR campaign. A short AA film about the dangers of distracted driving will accompany the campaign. A distracted driving lesson plan will be developed and launched for all AA and BSM driving school instructors.
UNITED KINGDOM - Safe navigation with Google Glasses?
A study to compare behaviour when using the Google Glass for route navigation or a typical portable navigation device, or when given verbal instructions by passengers.
UNITED KINGDOM - Road safety short film competition - 2015
Creation of a short film based on one of the FIA’s 10 Golden Rules. The film was promoted a road safety message to the wider UK population.
UNITED KINGDOM - MSA Road Safety Film Challenge - 2014
A Road Safety Film Challenge competition among schools and universities to produce motor sport-related film treatments of each of the FIA Action for Road Safety’s Ten Golden Rules.
UNITED KINGDOM - Smartphone technology to support young driver training - 2013
The development of a new training package for novice drivers as a ‘proof of concept’, involving parents in young drivers' early driving with smartphone-based monitoring and feedback to support a graduated licensing approach and telematics-based insurance.
UNITED KINGDOM - The AA Charitable Trust Drive Worldwide Campaign - 2012
Two courses, Drive Smart and Drive Safe, to develop a template to roll out internationally for safe driving and road safety.
UNITED KINGDOM - Why do older drivers have more
Creation of a source of information on older driver behaviour with a specific focus on the most common form of crash experienced with this group.