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What is the Road Safety Grant Programme?

The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme is a fund established by the FIA for its member clubs thanks to a grant from the FIA Foundation to the FIA. The Grant aims at strengthening the cooperation between the FIA and Clubs, on the five pillars of activities of the UN Decade of Action:

  • Road Safety Management,
  • Safer Roads & Mobility,
  • Safer Vehicles,
  • Safer Road Users and
  • Post-Crash Care.

The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme is different and independent from the FIA Development Fund.

How much money is in the fund?

The Strategic Road Safety Grant Programme will cover three different types of projects: Small, Medium and Large projects.

The FIA allocates 100 000 € yearly for Small projects. Clubs will be able to apply for a maximum ceiling of 5 000 € per campaign. S-projects are themed and the theme changes at every call for applications.

TRANSFORMATION dispose of a total of 500 000 € yearly. One-year road safety initiatives are welcome, for a maximum ceiling of up to 30 000 € per project per Club and 60% of the project total cost.

CAPACITY BUILDING are long-term road safety actions unfolding their activities in one of the five Decade of Action pillars, like for instance child passenger safety studies, first-aid trainings and educational protocols developments disposing of 300 000 € yearly. Clubs cannot directly apply for CAPACITY BUILDING, as the Policy Commission is the active promoter of initiatives on this track and will select and invite Clubs to participate to the different projects, on the bases of relevance and competences.

What kind of projects does the FIA fund?

The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme will support and fund road safety projects in line with a strict set of criteria. The programme will support projects that

  • strengthen the FIA Mobility Club network through knowledge exchange and the sharing of information among Clubs about road safety;
  • enhance local and regional capacity building;
  • develop innovative and sustainable road safety initiatives.

Who decides if my project gets funded?

The approval process will include the FIA Programmes Committee. The body consist of the Deputy President for Automobile Mobility and Tourism, the Secretary General for Automobile Mobility and Tourism, the four FIA Mobility Regional Presidents, the Chair and the Vice Chair of the two FIA Mobility Commissions (Policy & Services).

Grantees of selected projects will be timely informed in writing and will be asked to sign a Grant Agreement. Grantees will be asked to provide a timetable and roll-out plan to ensure timely monitoring and evaluation.

The project evaluation process and the overall FIA activity, in connection with the FIA Foundation grant, remain bound by the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and Bribery Act 2010. The FIA takes a zero tolerance approach to bribery.


How can my project be eligible?

The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme considers applications from single affiliated Clubs, as per Article 3 of the FIA Statutes, and groups of affiliated Clubs.

TRANSFORMATION applications should be:

  • 1. Innovative:
    • The project should directly add value to Club road safety activities and represent a new and innovative approach, or an approach that could potentially serve as a pilot project to test a concept for adaptation by other Clubs in the region or globally.
  • 2. It is backed by a strong project management plan:
    • Project Sponsor, manager, team: who are the people who will lead the management of the project, including their roles and responsibilities in the project, and the numbers and types of people who will be needed to carry out the project (for example, Club staff, consultants, contractors, etc.)? Grant applicants must demonstrate experience in managing funds commensurate with the Grant request. Financial capability will be assessed during the application process.
    • Description of project: What are the goals and objectives (what road safety goal and objective does your project aim to meet), target audience (who do you intend to reach with your project), deliverables (what you will deliver to meet your goal), metrics (what performance indicators will demonstrate how you will measure the success of your project), budget and financial plan (what is the overall projected budget, what other funding sources will be used)?
    • Action plan: What is the overall timeline for the entire project, including a completion date and regular milestones?
    • Financial plan: What is the overall projected budget? What other funding sources will be used? How is the budget allocated over the different phases of the project? Which expenses will the FIA grant cover?
    • Communication plan: Who will need to be kept informed about the project and how they will receive the information (for example, a monthly progress report which describes how the project is progressing, the milestones achieved, and next steps)?
  • 3. It will have a positive impact on the Club, the region, and the FIA:
    • The project must positively reinforce the Club's reputation and credibility as a road safety leader in the country and community, and its ability to provide value and services to its membership.

All projects must be a positive reflection on the FIA brand, helping to build and reinforce the FIA's visibility as a global road safety leader.

Funding is primarily considered as initial support for an initiative and will not cover the project costs fully. Please see the eligibility criteria section and the criteria assessment table for a self-assessment of your project and for further details.

What if my project only matches some of the eligibility criteria?

Only projects matching all eligibility criteria will be considered eligible for a grant.

How much money can I ask?

Funding requests correspond to the following scheme:

  • S-projects: up to 5000 euro
  • TRANSFORMATION: up to 30 000 euro and 60% of the project total cost.
  • Clubs should bear in mind that the total sum per annum amounts to 500 000 euro for TRANSFORMATION and 100 000 euro for S-projects.
  • The FIA will ensure a broad latitude of projects from the four regions and types of FIA member clubs. Clubs are encouraged to keep their requests balanced, justifiable and proportional to the scope of their proposal.


How do I submit my project?

S and TRANSFORMATION must be submitted through the electronic application form on the site 2015 TRANSFORMATION call for proposals will be open until 20 August 2015 at 12:00 CET – please refer to the Grant timeline for a precise timing of all project phases. Should you encounter any difficulty applying, please promptly contact Irene Papanikolaou at [email protected].We strongly encourage you to apply early. This will significantly raise your chances as lead-time will allow us to work with you on your project!

Can the same Club apply for more than one project?

Yes. There is no limitation to the number of projects that a (group of) clubs can submit.

In which languages can I submit my project?

The application must be completed in English and all monetary amounts must be presented in Euros (EUR). In justified cases, applications will be accepted in one of the other official languages of the FIA with prior approval of the FIA Secretariat. Incomplete applications will be brought to the immediate notice of the applicant, noting where it is defective. In order to be fair to the application process, Clubs will be permitted a very limited amount of time to correct the application.

Can a Club apply a second time after having being rejected?

Applications for new projects which have been previously rejected are eligible to be resubmitted, but must meet all eligibility requirements. If the project was rejected for failure to meet one of the eligibility requirements, it should not be resubmitted until it has been corrected.

Should I apply for a multi-year programme?

Only one-year projects can be submitted, supported by a consistent financial and business plan.

Please note the FIA Mobility Secretariat reserves the right to a review of approved projects to ensure that they remain on time and on budget..

The FIA Mobility Secretariat remains at your disposal to assist you in submitting your application for funding. Please contact Irene Papanikolaou ([email protected]) at the FIA Mobility Secretariat to discuss the ways to do this.


When will the FIA assign the grant to my Club?

Clubs will be informed by official communication from the FIA Mobility Secretariat and initial funding disbursement will take place not later than 15 November 2015.

My project was not funded and I would like an explanation

Personalised telephonic feedback sessions will be scheduled for all the participants that would like to know more about the status of their application and seek for further advice. Please contact Irene Papanikolaou in Paris at [email protected]

My project was funded but I will not go ahead – whom do I tell?

Please contact Irene Papanikolaou, Mobility Secretariat in Paris as soon as possible to discuss next steps.


Does the Grant finance the entirety of my project?

Awarded projects monitoring is done every three months through the reporting template. The Secretariat will timely contact grantees, providing guidance and information regarding the monitoring process. A summary report including actual costs needs to be submitted for review and evaluation prior to final payment. Support and assistance in preparing reports is available through the FIA Mobility Secretariat – please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris at [email protected].

Who can provide me with technical assistance and guidance?

The FIA Mobility Secretariat remains at your disposal to assist and support you in developing a project to submit for funding. Please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris to discuss your ideas.

In case of a joint project with another Club – do we have to apply twice?

Clubs are encouraged to partner with another One application, stating who will be leading the project, will be sufficient.

The FIA Mobility Secretariat remains at your disposal to assist and support you in developing your project; please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris to discuss how best to submit your joint project.

How do I report on the achievements of my project?

Awarded projects monitoring is done bimonthly through the reporting template. The Secretariat will timely contact grantees, providing guidance and information regarding the monitoring process. A summary report including actual costs needs to be submitted for review and evaluation prior to final payment. Support and assistance in preparing reports is available through the FIA Mobility Secretariat – please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris at [email protected].

What if I don’t achieve my milestones?

The failure to accomplish project milestones might cause the programme to be re-evaluated and placed into a suspension/review process.


What is a project management plan?

Necessary for TRANSFORMATION, the project management plan forms the basis for all efforts associated with the project:

  • Who makes up the project team? (Project sponsor, management, team)
  • What are the goals and objectives of the project?
  • Who is the project’s target audience?
  • What are the project’s deliverables?
  • How will you measure the success of the project? What indicators will you use to demonstrate your project’s success?
  • What is your plan’s budget and financial plan? What are the detailed costs? What are all the sources of funding for the project?
  • What is the schedule of your project? What are the starting and completion dates? What is the overall timeline, including the milestones at which you will measure your progress against your project plan?
  • What is the communications plan for your project? Will you provide a monthly report and to whom?
  • What are the major risks to the successful completion of your plan? How do you plan to manage those risks?

How do I prepare a budget for the project?

A financial plan template can be downloaded on the Grant Programme website for guidance. The submission of a financial plan is necessary for TRANSFORMATION. Please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris for assistance to prepare a budget for your Club’s project.

How do I estimate my project costs?

When filling out the online application form, give us your best estimate of what you believe the global costs for the project will be. For further support please contact please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris.

The application refers to costs in EURO – how do we do that?

Currency converter websites such as will allow you to do a currency conversion from your local currency to EURO.

Does the FIA provide support for this?

The FIA Road Safety Grant Programme does not cover the costs for planning a project.

The project evaluation process and the overall FIA activity remain bound by the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and Bribery Act 2010. The FIA takes a zero tolerance approach to bribery, in alignment with the FIA Foundation’s Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy adopted in November 2011.


I received no feed-back after the project submission, whom should I contact?

The FIA Mobility Secretariat remains at your disposal to support your application for funding. Please contact Irene Papanikolaou ([email protected]) at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris. To avoid technical inconvenience we encourage Clubs to submit their applications before the 20 August 2015. Prompt assistance will be provided throughout the entire application phase.

I don’t understand how to fill in the online application form. Where can I find help?

Please contact Irene Papanikolaou at the Mobility Secretariat in Paris.

My project includes supporting documents as part of the application - how do I submit them?

All supporting documents and attachments to applications can be uploaded on the site through the online application form.