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The following items specify the requirements for applying for an FIA Grant.
All criteria must be met for an application to be considered.
Please note that the application must be completed in English and all monetary amounts must be presented in Euros (EUR). In justified cases, applications will be accepted in one of the other official languages of the FIA with prior approval of the FIA Secretariat. Incomplete applications will be brought to the immediate notice of the applicant, noting where it is defective. In order to be fair to the application process, Clubs will be permitted a very limited amount of time to correct the application.

Eligible Projects

Address road safety issues
All projects must address road safety issues falling within one of the five pillars of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety: Road Safety Management, Safer Roads and Mobility, Safer Vehicles, Safer Road Users, Post-Crash Response.
Meet all of the Grant Eligibility Criteria
Projects which are innovative are backed by a strong project management plan, and which will have a positive impact on the Club(s), the region, and the FIA.

Eligible Organisations

  • FIA Mobility and Sport Clubs in good standing
  • FIA Associations of Clubs in good standing, who may apply on behalf of their member Clubs
  • A partnership or consortium of FIA Clubs in good standing. Two or more FIA Clubs in good standing from the same Region, including a partnership between a Mobility and a Sport Club are eligible to apply for a Grant.

The FIA encourages the creation of partnership with the private sector.
Programmes or projects which comprise a partnership or consortium of Clubs must appoint a single project manager and a single key contact person. The Clubs participating in the partnership or consortium must jointly sign a statement of commitment. The project management plan should describe the expected role of each Club in the partnership.

Eligible Costs

All eligible expenses must be based upon real costs. Applications without a realistic and cost-effective budget will not receive consideration.

To be eligible, expenses must :

  • Be required for the project's success : All expenses must be directly linked to the budget and financial planning components of the project management plan. Expenses which reflect the use of external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be precisely defined.
  • Be directly invoiced by the Grant applicant : Eligible expenses which involve external vendors (consultants, contractors, etc.) must be invoiced by the Grant recipient. External vendors will not be paid directly by the FIA Grant.
  • Comply with the principles of sound financial management
  • Comply with basic ethical principles, including complying with the UK Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and the UK Bribery Act.

    Please note : Expenses which reflect self-dealing (those that are invoiced by Club executives or staff which represent a personal gain or gain to separate business in which they have a personal interest), bribery, gifts, expense padding, etc. will not be eligible. In fact, evidence of this type of ethical violation will result in the immediate revocation of the grant with repayment by the Grant recipient of all funds already disbursed.

  • Be recorded : A clear, auditable record of expenses must be retained by the Grant recipient.

Ineligible Costs

Ineligible expenses include :

  • Lump sum, non-itemised, single payments debt, provision for losses, interest owed, items already financed in another project or programme, currency exchange losses, contingency reserves, expenses incurred prior to approval of the Grant, including preparation costs.
  • Expenses that do not reflect the original purpose of the grant. A Grant recipient may not change the use of Grant funds, and must demonstrate that Grant funds are being spent in accordance with the project management plan.

A Grant recipient must promptly claim its Grant after receiving notification of approval. Failure either to claim the grant or to notify the FIA Secretariat of the reason for the inability to claim the Grant, within 3 months will result in the Grant being withdrawn, and the approved funds being returned to the Grant corpus.

Evaluation Grid

The Evaluation Grid here below is used in assessing equally each project fully responding to the criteria above mentioned. The Grid is a useful instrument for self-assessment before submitting your project. Each shortlisted project goes through an assessment and a consequential scoring evaluation. The Assessment considers Clubs operational capacity and the projects relevance as a pre-condition. Each positive evaluation in the assessment part corresponds to a point. The Evaluation appraises projects’ technical operability on the bases of its methodology, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Each section will be given a score between 0 and 4 in accordance with the following guidelines :

0= very poor, 1= poor, 2= adequate, 3= good, 4= very good.

Please click here to see the evaluation grid.